Include Our Vote
The upcoming municipal elections are your chance to shape the future of our community. Local municipal leaders make decisions that impact your everyday life, from public transportation and parks to recreation, events, and sidewalks. Your vote can help ensure we are building more inclusive communities across Nova Scotia.
Below are some important questions you can ask your municipal leaders. If you would like support in bringing forward any issue with your municipality, please reach out to us by email at inform@inclusionns.ca.
Questions to Ask Your Municipal Leaders
1. Roads and Sidewalks:
Sidewalks and pedestrian crossings are a concern, particularly for individuals with mobility issues between fall and spring. How will you help address these issues?
How will you work to prioritize the repair and maintenance of sidewalks in our neighborhoods, especially those with a high population of families and individuals with disabilities?
2. Public Transit:
What actions will you take to improve the accessibility of public transit for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities?
Will you commit to providing more frequent updates on accessible transit routes and schedules to better serve families with special needs?
3. Parks and Recreation:
How will you and the council ensure that our recreation activities and events are truly inclusive and accessible to all residents?
Are there plans to increase the availability of inclusive recreational programs that cater specifically to individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities?
4. Housing and Homelessness:
What role will you play in supporting affordable housing initiatives for families with members who have intellectual disabilities?
How will you address the need for accessible shelters and emergency housing options for individuals with disabilities?
5. Waste Management:
Will you offer any special accommodations for waste collection to assist families with members who have mobility or cognitive challenges?
How can you improve communication about hazardous waste disposal services to ensure it reaches all residents, including those with intellectual disabilities?
6. Emergency Services:
How are emergency services personnel in our municipality trained to respond to situations involving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities?
What initiatives will you implement to ensure that emergency preparedness plans are inclusive and accessible to all families?
7. Community Planning and Development:
What standards will you enforce to ensure that new housing developments and public buildings are fully accessible to people with disabilities?
How will you involve the disability community in the planning and development process to ensure their needs are met?
8. Public Health and Safety:
How will you collaborate with health services to address the unique public health needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities?
What initiatives will you put in place to ensure public spaces are safe and welcoming for all residents, including those with disabilities?
Download this document, share it with your community, and empower others with knowledge!