Inclusion NS is a provincial not-for-profit organization committed to ensuring that individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families have the support they require to live full and inclusive lives in the community.
Inclusion NS works strategically with other disability rights organizations and, in particular, with Nova Scotia People First.
Support families to become leaders for inclusion and equality.
Build awareness of the capacity and value of people with intellectual disabilities as full and contributing citizens.
Advance policies and practices to government and community organizations that enable and promote the full inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities in all facets of community life.
Challenge myths and preconceptions about the value and contributions of people with disabilities.
Create resources about how to make inclusion work—at home, at school, in the workplace, and in the community.
Help communities to increase their capacity to include everyone.

Our Vision & Mission
Our Vision
All people, including persons with intellectual disabilities, belong and are fully included in community life.
Our Mission
Inclusion NS is a province-wide, not-for-profit association of people with intellectual disabilities, families, and others leading the way to build a just and inclusive society. We do this by empowering and supporting individuals and families, promoting rights and values in keeping with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), and encouraging reform and collaborating with other organizations for social justice.
We are part of a movement
Inclusion Nova Scotia is part of a national federation of 13 provincial-territorial associations and over 300 local associations. Together, we’re advancing the inclusion and human rights of people with an intellectual disability and their families in every corner of the country. We’re a family-led movement making change at local, provincial/territorial, and national levels. Our shared vision is of a Canada where everyone belongs.
Through our national organization, Inclusion Canada, we work collaboratively to create communities where people with an intellectual disability and their families are equally valued and fully included in every aspect of community life. Our movement extends beyond our borders, as part of Inclusion International. We invite you to join us!