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Provincial Election 2024

Inclusion NS identified five priorities for the 2024 Provincial election. Using those priorities, we have examined party platforms to highlight what the leaders in NS are committed to for people with disabilities and their families. The following chart provides a quick overview of how our issues were addressed on party platforms and whether or not the platform included any specific commitments to people with disabilities and their families.

Inclusion NS Priorities


Specific commitment to people with disabilities


Living in the Community: Building an inclusive life for our family member with intellectual disability starts with inclusive communities.


We all thrive in communities where we feel valued and a sense of belonging.


Living in the Community includes a focus on where we live and how we live.


For us, this includes Affordable Housing, inclusive and accessible transportation, inclusive emergency response systems, allied health support in community, recreation


Education: From pre-primary to post-secondary education, inclusive education is a human right.


We know that lifelong patterns of inclusion begin at school. Families report that the current education system is failing them and their loved one with intellectual disabilities.


Employment: Meaningful and engaging employment is a right. Potential employers need support to understand how to recruit, train and retain employees with intellectual disabilities. Enhanced funding for supported employment practices are necessary.


People with intellectual disabilities need inclusive opportunities to build their skills and to demonstrate their contributions.


Supports to Individuals and families: Across all these priorities is the need to strengthen and improve supports to individuals with disabilities and to families.


Families are the main support for people with intellectual disabilities across their lifespan.

Progressive Conservative








Investments in housing. No specific statement on the housing needs of people with disabilities.




Investments in public transportation. No specific statement on inclusive and accessible transportation.























Commits to address school violence through strengthened Student Code of Conduct. No statement or recognition of the support needs of students with disabilities.



Commits to more support and greater independence for people with disabilities


Investments in housing. No specific statement on the housing needs of people with disabilities.



Investments in public transportation. No specific statement on inclusive and accessible transportation.






















Commits to address violence in schools. Including by ensuring more students get the one-to-one support they need and smaller class sizes











































Commits to a refundable tax credit for caregivers. It’s unclear if the health care support would include the disability-related supports that families provide.



Commits to improve housing for people with disabilities.



Investments in housing. With a specific statement on the housing needs of people with disabilities.




Investments in public transportation. No specific statement on inclusive and accessible transportation.


Commits to a province-wide vulnerable persons registry to ensure that at-risk Nova Scotians can stay safe during emergencies.


Improve access to recreation.









Commits to hire more educational staff, invest in their professional development and address school violence. Includes a statement that professional development should build the capacity to support students with complex needs.

Green Party


Aims to rebuild the education system through a community-based consultation process that includes people with disabilities.

Investments in housing. While no specific statement on housing needs of people with disabilities, it does frame housing as a right and commits to a “housing first” model.

Investments in public transportation. No specific statement on inclusive and accessible transportation.
















Has a dedicated section on “Inclusive Education” that includes an aim of rebuilding the education system, address school violence, improve working conditions for Student Support Workers, promote social inclusion,

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3845 Joseph Howe, Suite 101

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Registered Charity Number : 106842529 RR0001

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