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Inclusion Nova Scotia est un organisme provincial à but non lucratif qui s’engage à ce que les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle et leurs familles bénéficient du soutien dont elles ont besoin pour vivre pleinement et de manière inclusive dans la communauté. Nous y parvenons en motivant et en soutenant les personnes et les familles, en faisant la promotion des droits et des valeurs conformément à la Convention des Nations Unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (CNUDPH), en encourageant les réformes et en collaborant avec d’autres organismes pour la justice sociale.

Landmark Human Rights Remedy Will Bring Needed Change to NS


Inclusion NS welcomed the release of a landmark agreement between the Disability Rights Coalition and the Province of Nova Scotia. The interim consent agreement on a Human Rights Remedy marks the end of an 8-year legal battle over the right to live in community and marks the beginning of meaningful change for people with disabilities in NS.


The Remedy Report will lead to transformative change in how people with disabilities will be supported to live and be included in their communities.


For people with intellectual disabilities and their families, the Remedy will bring us a chance to dream beyond the limited services that have been available in NS and to build a truly inclusive life.


The Remedy identifies 6 Key Directions to guide the transformation. Each Key Direction contains core recommendations (see full report or summary of recommendations):


  1. A new system of Individual Planning and Support Coordination to drive more person directed and local community-based supports and services.

    • Uses an approach known as Local Area Coordination.

  2. Closing Institutions

    • All institutions in the province will be closed.

  3. Building a broader system of community-based supports and services

    • Focused on building practices like Homeshare (replacing AFS), addressing funding gaps and building individual and flexible options instead of having a limited menu of options an individual must pick from.

  4. Province wide multidisciplinary support program with regional hubs including other clinical supports to support local options.

  5. Individualized Funding

    • Establish an IF funding structure and IF infrastructure to help people manage their funding. 

  6. Key Direction 6: Strengthening whole Disability System capacity to enable transformation to a human rights approach. 

    • This includes strengthening policy and practices, investing in leadership, cultural change, and training, and enhanced collaboration across government.


Inclusion NS will be supporting people with intellectual disabilities and their families to understand the Remedy and how it can be used to build inclusive lives in community.

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